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A company in full business expansion

Gosselin currently has 47 unfilled job vacancies. Around 75% of these are a direct result of the growth the company has experienced and positions that have opened up because employees are moving internally to a different job within the Gosselin organization.

There is a common misconception that a company that has many job openings is probably a difficult company to work for. Nothing could be farther from the truth when it comes to the Gosselin Group, according to Karlien van Molle of HR. “The pandemic had hardly any effect on the growth of our company; this has created an urgent need here for a lot of extra staff. We also believe it’s important for employees to be in the right position.” Internal shifts happen on a regular basis when staff has either outgrown their job or even moved to a different division.

“We are placing an increasing focus on learning and development,” Karlien adds. “This means we’re not just helping our employees with pure on-the-job know-how, but also by teaching them soft skills such as self-development, assertiveness, teamwork and so on.” In other words, HR doesn’t just handle the initial recruitment of new staff, but also offers strong follow-up opportunities to ensure everyone remains happy in their position and can continue to pursue their own development.

Acquisitions at Gosselin Group

A new program that started this February is the “bring-a-friend” campaign in which employees receive gift certificates when they introduce a friend or acquaintance who then signs an employment contract. If this new employee remains at the company for six months, the employee/person who brought them in will receive another token of appreciation. “We hope this helps to fill the vacancies faster with people who have the right profile. We’re looking for new employees for a variety of different positions. These include openings for drivers, warehouse staff, operational employees, administrative staff, forwarders, customer service employees, and movers/packers.” Everyone can always submit an open application via

These days, we are also giving interns more and more opportunities to get to know Gosselin better and to put the knowledge they gained at school into practice. “We received more internship applications this year compared with previous years,” Karlien concludes. “We regularly offer them a permanent position after a successful internship.”


Founded in 1930, Gosselin currently employs more than 800 people who generate total sales of over 300 million Euros. Gosselin’s headquarters is located on the Albert Canal in Deurne where the container terminal connects the Port of Antwerp Bruges and the Port of Rotterdam with the European hinterland. With 56 offices in 34 countries, the company has strong representation in Europe, Eastern Europe, Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia and China. The Gosselin Group consists of two divisions: Gosselin Moving and Gosselin Logistics.  

Gosselin Moving handles international moves for multinationals, expats, diplomats, military personnel and private individuals.  

Gosselin Logistics provides logistics services to businesses, with activities ranging from forwarding, warehouse storage and container processing to industrial logistics projects for heavy machinery and entire factories.  

Levensloop Schoten

Gosselin collega’s wandelen 24u voor Levensloop Schoten

Afgelopen weekend nam Gosselin deel aan de Levensloop Schoten in het Park van Schoten. Een initiatief van Stichting Tegen Kanker waarbij heel wat kilometers voor het goede doel werden gelopen. De Gosselin collega’s waren talrijk aanwezig en zamelden een flinke som in. Maar nog belangrijker, we had a blast!
Levensloop Schoten

Gosselin colleagues walk 24 hours for Levensloop Schoten

Last weekend Gosselin took part in the Levensloop Schoten (Relay for Life) in Schoten Park. An initiative of Stichting Tegen Kanker (Foundation Against Cancer) in which many kilometres were run for charity. The Gosselin colleagues were present in large numbers and collected a considerable sum. But more importantly, we had a blast!
Govlog award

Gosselin receives special award for offered services

Gosselin received a special award from ELSO to express their gratitude for our services in a collaboration for NATO.