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Gosselin celebrates the opening of its new warehouses along the Albert Canal on the old INZA site

Last weekend they were inaugurated: Two immense warehouses together accounting for 36000 m2 and 1800 m2 of state-of-the-art offices. Two years after the closure of the Milcobel site, a logistics complex with CO2-neutral warehouses directly connected to the company's own Gosselin container terminal along the Albert Canal is rising on the 6.6 ha site. This new expansion brings Gosselin's total footprint on the Albert Canal in Deurne/Schoten to over 350000 m2.

Following the announcement of the closure of the Milcobel site, both Gosselin shareholders were quick to seize this opportunity and acquire the site. What followed was a collaboration on many levels of which yesterday's opening was the capstone. So time to celebrate. CEO/shareholder Marc Smet and co-shareholder Dirk Vanhoutteghem expressed their thanks during this special event for the various collaborations that came about in the realisation of this site. The buildings were built on land acquired by Gosselin through a joint venture set up for this purpose with WDP (Warehouses De Pauw).

For Marc Smet and family, things had now come full circle. ‘My father still delivered milk to INZA. His grandparents had cows that grazed on the meadows along the Albert Canal that were later turned into today's industrial zone. When Marc's parents stopped farming in 1968, they made the switch to removals and logistics by joining Dolf Gosselin the founder of today's Gosselin Group. A perfect opportunity to honour Marc's parents.

Gosselin is therefore proud to name these warehouses as INZA 1 tem 4 so as to preserve the memory of the old INZA factory. This latest addition makes Gosselin's logistics ribbon, located between Melkerijstraat and the Brug van den Azijn (Merksemsesteenweg) even greener than it already was. Unlike the INZA project, which lies entirely within the boundaries of Schoten , the Gosselin warehouses are spread across several municipalities. The cooperation between Gosselin, the municipality of Schoten, the City of Antwerp, the Province and the POAB port authority was therefore highlighted during the event with a personal word of thanks from Marc and Dirk to Mayor of Schoten Maarten De Veuster, 1st Deputy Luk Lemmens and Ms Alderman Annick De Ridder.  Finally, there was also a word of thanks to the group's more than 1,000 employees, its numerous customers, suppliers, banks and its joint venture partner WDP.

The Gosselin Group is looking to the future positively with its upcoming expansions in the port of Antwerp on the Oosterweeleiland, its expansion of more than 12 ha in Genk along the Albert Canal, as well as various acquisitions abroad in particular Germany and Italy where Gosselin recently bought the Atlas Copco site in Vicenza good for 2.8 ha. All this they will realise in 2024/2025. 

Gosselin INZA inauguration event

Gosselin was founded in 1930 and currently employs more than 1,000 people generating a total turnover of more than 450 million euros. Gosselin is headquartered on the Albert Canal in Deurne, where its container terminal connects the port of Antwerp Bruges and the port of Rotterdam with the European hinterland. With 56 offices in 34 countries, the company has a strong presence in Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. The Gosselin Group consists of two divisions: Gosselin Moving and Gosselin Logistics.

Gosselin Moving handles international removals for multinationals, expats, diplomats, military personnel and private individuals.

Gosselin Logistics provides logistics services to companies, with activities ranging from freight forwarding, warehouse storage and container handling to industrial logistics projects for heavy machinery and entire factories.


Levensloop Schoten

Gosselin collega’s wandelen 24u voor Levensloop Schoten

Afgelopen weekend nam Gosselin deel aan de Levensloop Schoten in het Park van Schoten. Een initiatief van Stichting Tegen Kanker waarbij heel wat kilometers voor het goede doel werden gelopen. De Gosselin collega’s waren talrijk aanwezig en zamelden een flinke som in. Maar nog belangrijker, we had a blast!
Levensloop Schoten

Gosselin colleagues walk 24 hours for Levensloop Schoten

Last weekend Gosselin took part in the Levensloop Schoten (Relay for Life) in Schoten Park. An initiative of Stichting Tegen Kanker (Foundation Against Cancer) in which many kilometres were run for charity. The Gosselin colleagues were present in large numbers and collected a considerable sum. But more importantly, we had a blast!
Govlog award

Gosselin receives special award for offered services

Gosselin received a special award from ELSO to express their gratitude for our services in a collaboration for NATO.