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Gosselin receives special award for offered services

Gosselin received a special award from ELSO to express their gratitude for our services in a collaboration for NATO.

Goods from different member states had to be transported to the NATO summit in Washington DC. “ELSO coordinated the whole project and had the goods delivered to the Gosselin headquarters in Belgium. There we sorted everything, doublechecked all the packing lists, and transported it to Washington in liftvans”, Logistics Director, Dirk Van Hoomissen, explains. Afterwards the goods returned to Belgium where they were recollected.

It was a straightforward project but one of high importance to the Senior Directors of ELSO at the White House. The award serves as a token of gratitude for the flawless collaboration. ELSO Director Amy Kara, who was present at the award ceremony, was pleased too. “Great things are never accomplished by one individual.  They’re completed by a team.  Thanks to the entire GovLog team for the hard work and dedication supporting the transportation of supplies for the NATO summit in Washington DC.”

Govlog award

ELSO stands for European Logistics Support Office. They coordinate shipments of personal effects of embassy and consulate staff, as well as supplies for embassies and consulates.


Gosselin was founded in 1930 and currently employs more than 1,000 people generating a total turnover of more than 450 million euros. Gosselin is headquartered on the Albert Canal in Deurne, where its container terminal connects the port of Antwerp Bruges and the port of Rotterdam with the European hinterland. With 56 offices in 34 countries, the company has a strong presence in Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia. The Gosselin Group consists of two divisions: Gosselin Moving and Gosselin Logistics.

Gosselin Moving handles international removals for multinationals, expats, diplomats, military personnel and private individuals.

Gosselin Logistics provides logistics services to companies, with activities ranging from freight forwarding, warehouse storage and container handling to industrial logistics projects for heavy machinery and entire factories.


Levensloop Schoten

Gosselin collega’s wandelen 24u voor Levensloop Schoten

Afgelopen weekend nam Gosselin deel aan de Levensloop Schoten in het Park van Schoten. Een initiatief van Stichting Tegen Kanker waarbij heel wat kilometers voor het goede doel werden gelopen. De Gosselin collega’s waren talrijk aanwezig en zamelden een flinke som in. Maar nog belangrijker, we had a blast!
Levensloop Schoten

Gosselin colleagues walk 24 hours for Levensloop Schoten

Last weekend Gosselin took part in the Levensloop Schoten (Relay for Life) in Schoten Park. An initiative of Stichting Tegen Kanker (Foundation Against Cancer) in which many kilometres were run for charity. The Gosselin colleagues were present in large numbers and collected a considerable sum. But more importantly, we had a blast!
Jill en Daria in Rome

Getting to know your international colleagues

At Gosselin, there’s a policy that states employees can work from a different country as long as there’s a Gosselin office. Jill and Daria from Belgium lengthened their vacation with a day or two and worked from the Rome office on Friday to forge some new connections.