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Gosselin: the right place for a job in logistics

Are you passionate about the world of international moves and logistics? Would you like to start or continue your career at one of the fastest growing players in Belgium? No matter what type of job in logistics you have in mind, at Gosselin, you’ll get the opportunity to develop your talents. You can also expand your expertise and help build on your and Gosselin’s future.

(written by KMOinsider)

Whether you like to work with your hands, prefer to work on administrative tasks and manage files, or ensure customer loyalty, there is a job in the logistics or moving division just waiting for you at Gosselin. “A minimum of experience is an advantage in a logistics job, but the offering is so broad that just about everyone will find what they need here,” says HR Business Partner Karlien van Molle.

Why a job in logistics at Gosselin could be right for you

As an international growth company, Gosselin is constantly looking for new talent. However, recruitment is just the first step in the HR division’s intensive training program. “During the first year of employment we meet several times with the employee. We then try to ascertain whether the person is comfortable in their logistics position, whether it meets their expectations, is there a click with the other team members, is there any interest in pursuing certain training programs, or perhaps a different job would be more suitable, etc.” Given the varied job opportunities at Gosselin, the employee can be guided toward a different set of responsibilities. Making adjustments to a career track is also possible after this first year. “Our door is always open,” Karlien says. “The entire organization benefits when every employee feels good in their position and at their workplace.”

Jobs HR
A company of doers

Once upon a time, the tables were turned, but in the current “war for talent,” candidates have their choice of employer. Gosselin is able to capitalize on convincing arguments that it is an attractive employer. The compensation and fringe benefits (such as the unusually popular bicycle plan) are more than just okay. But wait, there’s more. “We may be a big company, but we also offer the pleasant work atmosphere of a family business. People are friendly, approachable and helpful. At every level, even our CEO. We are ‘doers,’ and tackle problems.” This philosophy recently served as the foundation for the launch of yet another new initiative. Recently recruited employees will be assigned an experienced “godmother” or “godfather” who works outside of their own department and can immerse these employees in the world of Gosselin. They can contact these godfathers and godmothers with a vast array of questions (personal, substantive, job-related and so on). At the same time, as a “newbie,” you will also be in direct contact with other people and departments at the company.

Working at Gosselin
Personal and professional development

“We set out a training program from the very beginning, customized to the employee’s skills,” Karlien continues. “If desired, we can expand these efforts at the employee’s request so that after some time, they can continue their growth in a different job, or evolve within their own position and according to their own capabilities. It might also involve personal development; for example, when people want to hone their communication skills.” Interesting detail: all Gosselin employees have access to Bridge, an online training platform. This platform features videos with introductions to the different departments and a menu with training program options. “This gives you a chance to get to know the company and the various positions when it’s convenient for you. And you get training in the areas that interest you, all at your own pace!”

Looking for a job in logistics with a rapidly growing player that offers positions in very diverse profiles? Do you like challenges and variation?If so, be sure to contact us.

About Gosselin Group 

Gosselin was founded in 1930 and employs 800 co-workers that generate more than 350 million euro in turnover. The headquarters of Gosselin are located at the Albert Canal in Antwerp, Belgium, and its inland terminal connects the port of Antwerp-Bruges with the European hinterland. The company has 56 offices in 34 countries and has a strong presence in Europe, Russia, the Caucasus and Central Asia. The Gosselin Group consists of two divisions: Gosselin Moving and Gosselin Logistics.  

Gosselin Moving offers international moves for multinationals, expats, diplomats, military personnel and private persons.  

Gosselin Logistics provides logistics services to businesses: transport solutions, customs formalities, warehousing and terminal operations, and industrial projects for heavy machinery and exceptional transport.

Levensloop Schoten

Gosselin collega’s wandelen 24u voor Levensloop Schoten

Afgelopen weekend nam Gosselin deel aan de Levensloop Schoten in het Park van Schoten. Een initiatief van Stichting Tegen Kanker waarbij heel wat kilometers voor het goede doel werden gelopen. De Gosselin collega’s waren talrijk aanwezig en zamelden een flinke som in. Maar nog belangrijker, we had a blast!
Levensloop Schoten

Gosselin colleagues walk 24 hours for Levensloop Schoten

Last weekend Gosselin took part in the Levensloop Schoten (Relay for Life) in Schoten Park. An initiative of Stichting Tegen Kanker (Foundation Against Cancer) in which many kilometres were run for charity. The Gosselin colleagues were present in large numbers and collected a considerable sum. But more importantly, we had a blast!
Govlog award

Gosselin receives special award for offered services

Gosselin received a special award from ELSO to express their gratitude for our services in a collaboration for NATO.