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Welcome to Seaco Shipping SA

Ocean Carrier Bunker Rates

Worry-free ocean shipping

We are the ocean shipping agent you are looking for.

We provide ocean shipping services for the transport of military and US Government household goods between the United States , Northern and Eastern Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Mediterranean.

We are a US flag carrier.

Ocean Carrier Bunker Rates

Q3 2024

APL (Foreign to Foreign)
Hapag-Lloyd (Foreign to Foreign)
TPAFBO (Matson & APL – Okinawa Only)
AML Barge – Hawaii

-> Hawaii bunker (rates starting June 1st)

Matson - Okinawa only


Should you want to consult the rates from previous quarters, click here.

We pride ourselves in providing

  • An excellent personal service
  • Very competitive pricing as a result of the volumes handled
  • A wide range of value added services
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