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Gosselin's 'Springwalk' was a success

Our first Seasonal Walk was a success! Almost 50 people used their lunchbreak to stretch their legs and explore some green areas around the Gosselin headquarters in Belgium. Afterwards, the participants were treated to a healthy lunch and a delicious coffee from Anywhere Coffee. This initiative is part of Gosselin's ambition to obtain the label "Sportive company". We aim for more exercise and want to motivate as many colleagues as possible to move more often!

Gosselin springwalk
Gosselin springwalk
Gosselin springwalk

Stijn and Hank were the walk-buddies for the two fast groups where Charlotte and Zai took the recreational walkers under their wings. The weather was nice and everybody was in a good mood! There were even a few people working from home who "joined us" for a walk by stretching their legs in their own neighborhoods during lunchtime. The perfect example of how you can get some exercise in whenever and wherever.

Our Rumbeke colleagues headed outside for some fresh air as well. 

We'll all look forward to seeing even more of you at our Summer Walk!


Gosselin springwalk
Gosselin springwalk
Gosselin springwalk

Founded in 1930, Gosselin currently employs more than 975 people who generate total sales of over 450 million Euros. Gosselin’s headquarters is located on the Albert Canal in Deurne where the container terminal connects the Port of Antwerp Bruges and the Port of Rotterdam with the European hinterland. With 56 offices in 34 countries, the company has strong representation in Europe, Eastern Europe, Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia and China. The Gosselin Group consists of two divisions: Gosselin Moving and Gosselin Logistics.  

Gosselin Moving handles international moves for multinationals, expats, diplomats, military personnel and private individuals.  

Gosselin Logistics provides logistics services to businesses, with activities ranging from forwarding, warehouse storage and container processing to industrial logistics projects for heavy machinery and entire factories.  


Donatie laptops

Een tweede leven voor Gosselin laptops

Gosselin gaat gebruikte laptops met nog voldoende kwaliteit doneren aan het CAW, een organisatie die tracht de digitale kloof te dichten.
Gender equality

Gosselin signs the Declaration on equal opportunities for women and men in the transport sector

Gosselin currently employs three times more women than the transport sector average, and is still keen on ensuring gender equality within the respective fields of competence. That’s why CEO Marc Smet signed the Declaration on equal opportunities for women and men in the transport sector.
Marc Smet en Dirk Vanhoutteghem

“Dit is een people business”

Door een indrukwekkende reeks recente uitbreidingen in zijn magazijnencapaciteit zit de Antwerpse internationale verhuizer en goederenbehandelaar Gosselin op een totale voetafdruk van maar liefst 350.000 vierkante meter naast het Albertkanaal Deurne-Schoten.