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ICT becomes ITS - a new team is waiting for you
Interested in working in the IT division of a large international company? If so, you won’t want to miss out on this opportunity! Gosselin’s IT division is changing course, and not just with a new name, ITS, but also 20 new job openings. Jo van Tongelen, manager of the future Innovation & Technology Services division, explains.
New name
“Gosselin has been experiencing strong growth, and ICT is now catching up,” according to Jo. “The meanings of information, communication, and technology have changed and will continue to evolve. ICT is one of the driving forces behind internal change In today’s modern world.” This was the reasoning behind Jo and his team’s decision to change the name to better reflect the company’s expectations and unite the division under a more modern label.
Keeping up with growth
“I was given the task of reinventing the IT department. We have to be innovative and use new technologies.” The objective is for IT to become an added value for all of the divisions and have a solid long-term strategy. “We have a lot of projects running simultaneously now, which makes it a challenge to maintain full oversight. My job as IT director is to apply structure to this process.”
Jo will transfer employees and assign new duties to them to determine which job profiles are still missing. “We are at a turning point in the history of a rapidly growing company in a challenging environment, where a strong emphasis will be placed on modern technology, artificial intelligence, process automation, data mining, and so on.” This means we will need a lot of people to help us achieve these goals.

A challenging job
Most people only know IT as a support department, but the division does much more. “New employees will be working in an open-minded IT group that is receptive to creative initiatives,” says Jo. “They’ll be given an awful lot of freedom, but also the responsibility to complete projects.” What is Jo’s biggest dream? He hopes that ITS can create so much added value for the international move divisions, military moves, and logistics services that the competition will struggle to keep up.
Who is Jo?
Called by his nickname which is short for Johannes, Jo has worked with computers since he was 12 and has always worked in the IT sector. He has been active in various industries such as pharma, logistics, media, and a social secretariat. “I’ve always taken a comprehensive approach to IT and am most comfortable as a people manager to get a good overview of what’s going on with them.” Jo has always studied new technologies and how they may be used in our day-to-day business, and how to apply them to attract new business. “Remember CD-ROMs and how websites looked 26 years ago? Though they may sound old-fashioned, that was state-of-the-art technology back then,” Jo laughs. He has now set his sights on Gosselin.
Want to apply for a job at the ITS-department of Gosselin? Send us your application via jobs@gosselingroup.eu
Founded in 1930, Gosselin currently employs more than 800 people who generate total sales of over 300 million Euros. Gosselin’s headquarters is located on the Albert Canal in Deurne where the container terminal connects the Port of Antwerp Bruges and the Port of Rotterdam with the European hinterland. With 56 offices in 34 countries, the company has strong representation in Europe, Eastern Europe, Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia and China. The Gosselin Group consists of two divisions: Gosselin Moving and Gosselin Logistics.
Gosselin Moving handles international moves for multinationals, expats, diplomats, military personnel and private individuals.
Gosselin Logistics provides logistics services to businesses, with activities ranging from forwarding, warehouse storage and container processing to industrial logistics projects for heavy machinery and entire factories.