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Sport overview 2023

Gosselin aims to achieve the label of "Sport Company" and emphasizes on more exercise for all colleagues. We made a pretty decent start in 2023 with numerous sport events. 

Sport 2023
Antwerp 10 Miles

Around 10 colleagues participated in the Shortrun this year. It consisted of a cool course of 6.8 kilometers around the Galgenweel. There were many supporters along the route! After the race, the participants caught their breath at our Gosselin stand and looked back with satisfaction on their athletic achievement.

Our 10 Miles runners arrived back at the Gosselin stand after 16 kilometres, tired but satisfied. We ate a bite, had a drink, and compared running times. It was nice to meet each other outside of office hours. What a TOP sports day! This tasted like more..."

Sport 2023
Young Forward soccer tournament

FC Gosselin put their best foot forward at the Young Forward soccer tournament. The team consisted of a nice mix of players from different departments!

Sport 2023
Cockerill beachvolley

Two Gosselin teams participated in the afterwork B2B Beach Volleyball tournament, organized under the iconic Havenhuis. Soon, they and some other colleagues will also participate in the Hellvoc Business Trophy Beach Volleyball. A perfect combination of team building and a warm-up for the real deal!

Sport 2023
Hellvoc beachvolley

"Life is better at the beach, even when it's an artificial one." Gosselin participated with five teams in the Hellvoc Beach Serious Business Trophy. It is an annual beach volleyball tournament for company teams held in Schelle, near Antwerp. With a 6th, 7th, 10th, 19th, and 22nd place out of 24 teams, there is still room for improvement... See you next year!

Sport 2023
Obstacle course

The Rumbeke Team participated in an Obstacle Run as part of Gosselin Sport! "The run was intense but super fun. We will definitely be back next year!" said the brave runners. Congratulations to Jonas, Pauline, Christine, Stephanie, and Hilde for their impressive performance

Sport 2023
Padel - Italy

The teams from Milano and Rome came together for their summer 2023 team-building activity and season kick-off.

"The first part of the day was focused on a collaborative brainstorming session between the Operations and Sales teams. The second half of the day was dedicated to an enjoyable aperitif followed by a sports activity, specifically a game of Padel. We concluded our program with a pizza dinner, accompanied by lively music and a leisurely evening walk.”

Sport 2023
Kom op tegen Kanker

The beautiful weather ensured a successful cycling event for "Kom op tegen Kanker" last Sunday! About 25 colleagues, proudly representing Gosselin, also participated and pedaled several kilometers for a good cause.

Sport 2023
Mont Ventoux

🎵 Ain't no mountain high enough... 🎵

Gosselin colleague Hank Guns conquered the Mont Ventoux on his bike. Go Hank!

Sport 2023
Port of Antwerp Bruges marathon

Respect to the Gosselin colleagues who ran the half and whole Port of Antwerp Bruges marathon! A job well done!


Founded in 1930, Gosselin currently employs more than 975 people who generate total sales of over 450 million Euros. Gosselin’s headquarters is located on the Albert Canal in Deurne where the container terminal connects the Port of Antwerp Bruges and the Port of Rotterdam with the European hinterland. With 56 offices in 34 countries, the company has strong representation in Europe, Eastern Europe, Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia and China. The Gosselin Group consists of two divisions: Gosselin Moving and Gosselin Logistics.  

Gosselin Moving handles international moves for multinationals, expats, diplomats, military personnel and private individuals.  

Gosselin Logistics provides logistics services to businesses, with activities ranging from forwarding, warehouse storage and container processing to industrial logistics projects for heavy machinery and entire factories.  


Levensloop Schoten

Gosselin collega’s wandelen 24u voor Levensloop Schoten

Afgelopen weekend nam Gosselin deel aan de Levensloop Schoten in het Park van Schoten. Een initiatief van Stichting Tegen Kanker waarbij heel wat kilometers voor het goede doel werden gelopen. De Gosselin collega’s waren talrijk aanwezig en zamelden een flinke som in. Maar nog belangrijker, we had a blast!
Levensloop Schoten

Gosselin colleagues walk 24 hours for Levensloop Schoten

Last weekend Gosselin took part in the Levensloop Schoten (Relay for Life) in Schoten Park. An initiative of Stichting Tegen Kanker (Foundation Against Cancer) in which many kilometres were run for charity. The Gosselin colleagues were present in large numbers and collected a considerable sum. But more importantly, we had a blast!
Govlog award

Gosselin receives special award for offered services

Gosselin received a special award from ELSO to express their gratitude for our services in a collaboration for NATO.